
I was born in the city that lies on four rivers. I have been painting and drawing since I was young and have learned from the academic painter Nedeljko Tintor. Although, due to life circumstances, I was focused on economy, painting was always an integral part of my life. I have experienced painting in many well-known visual art techniques.

I find Aboriginal Art to be one of the most interesting ones. A few years ago, I came into contact with information that changed my life. I have started a great life journey by drawing with fractal method, created by a group of scientists in Russia. The method has been scientifically proven and is constantly being upgraded. This method of artistic expression can be art therapy, accessible to everyone, can be learned and practiced by children, from the early ages of 5, and adults alike.

It is especially useful for children with special needs as well as for the elderly people. Investments are minimal because they individuals draw with wooden colored pencils.

I’m organizing fractal drawing workshop with many projects, for children and adults.

Aboriginal Art

Aboriginal Art is the way Australian native people express their culture. This kind of artistic expression is based on stories since they do not have their own written language. They expressed themselves by symbols. In this way, painting is used for the transfer of knowledge and spiritual culture. Traditional stories belong to certain generations of families. They often paint together and transfer knowledge between family lines. The basic element in this art is a dot, white or painted with some other colors. The dot was used to hide the secrets of the ancestors from the white. Each province has its own style of painting. The stories that are described relate to the ancient times of 'Dreamtime', the time when the world was born. This style of painting has been preserved till this day and has adapted to modern time.

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